A Winning Team


Timeless Pictures | Basset Hound Distribution
Hallmark Channel


Starring Nadia Hatta, Kristoffer Polaha
Director Jason Furukawa
Writer Ronee Uyeshiro
Production Location Vancouver BC Canada


After getting fired for lack of sportsmanship, professional soccer player Emily Chen (Hatta) travels home to spend some much-needed downtime with her widowed brother. When she accidentally injures her niece Ava’s coach, Ian Vermette (Polaha), she covers for him and leads Ava’s team into the playoffs. With a shot at the championship at stake, Emily and Ian’s differing coaching styles threaten their objective, but as they begin to warm up to each other on and off the field, they each make strides toward healing old wounds. But when Emily gets an offer from her old coach to return, their romantic relationship is threatened. Can these two get back on the same team before the big game?


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